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The 31st European Congress of AI VETS opens its doors to you in 2021!

The local organizing committee is pleased to welcome you to the 31st European congress of AI VETS in France. The event will take place at the Futuroscope Convention Center, near Poitiers from October 20 to 22, 2021.
This annual conference is a place for meetings and exchanges for those involved in animal insemination. For this new edition several topics will be on the agenda, such as the animal health law, the regulation of international trade of germinal products, environmental impacts of AI and semen production, management of young animals, new approaches to fertility prediction ... and many more other varied topics that we invite you to discover on the detailed program.

About Futuroscope

The Futuroscope theme park is a unique place for conferences and events in Europe that will provide you with unforgettable experiences thanks to the most innovative animation methods: 3D, giant screens, reliefs, simulators ... More than 20 pavilions, daring architecture, for breathtaking shows, extreme sensations, unique moments ...
On the sidelines of the congress, we offer you a fun time in the park to enjoy the attractions on Thursday October 21 afternoon as well as discovery visits to Capgenes, French cooperative for insemination and goat selection or in a pig farm in the region on Friday 22 October.


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