The submission site for contributed talks will open by the end of January 2024.
Please check the ICMP website regularly.

300,00 €
250,00 €
150,00 €
50,00 €
Last name*
First name*
Institute/company (will appear on your badge)*
Please attach a copy of your student card (.png, .jpeg, .pdf) *

If you need a letter from us, to facilitate obtaining your VISA, please select "yes".

Do you need a letter to apply for a Schengen Visa?

Passport number*
Date of issue*
Open the calendar popup.
Place of issue*
Date of expiry*
Open the calendar popup.
Potential specific information
The Young Researcher Symposium will take place before ICMP, June 28-29th, at the University of Strasbourg.
Registration will open together with ICMP's registration.
Would you like to register for the YRS?
The gala dinner at the Joséphine Pavilion will take place on July 4. Thank you for letting us know about your participation
Would you like to sign up for dinner?
Diet restrictions*
If allergy, please specify
(*) Required fields
The information entered in this billing tab is what will be used and will appear on the invoice you will receive. Please make sure to put the title that must appear on the invoice.
Correspondence (confirmation and details) will be made by email.
Billing address *
Zip code*

By the end of the conference, you will be given a certificate of attendance as justification that you followed an official "training course".  

How will the conference attendance costs be covered?
By your personal funds (yourself, by transfer, check, bank card) or by your employer (who can pay as they wish by transfer, check, purchase order or bank card)*

If you're an individual payer, current regulations ask you to agree with the professional training contract of the University of Strasbourg :

(French legal obligation. This contract stipulates that you are attending a colloquium as part of continuing professional training.)
I validate the Professional Training Contract Continue concluded between myself, hereinafter referred to as the intern and the University of Strasbourg (21 rue du Maréchal Lefebvre, 67100 STRASBOURG Declaration of activity registered under number 4267 04 090 67 with the prefecture of the Alsace Region, SIRET: 130 005 457 00028 - APE / NAF: 8559A) in application of the provisions of part VI of the labor code on the organization of lifelong vocational training as part of continuing education and in particular article L6353-3 of the Labor Code.

Art. 1 In implementing this contract, the University of Strasbourg agrees to host the participant :

For the course: ICMP - International Congress On Mathematical Physics 
Dates:1-6, July, 2024
Duration in hours: 42

Art. 2 The course provides further training and skills development. All course information is included in the program description annexed to this contract. The participant agrees to sign and/or to have the sign-in sheets signed, and to send these in at the end of each month if necessary. The training leads to the issuance of a certificate of attendance and is the subject of an evaluation.

Art. 3 The participant agrees to pay the amount due following the payment schedule annexed to this contract, or once an invoice is received, in accordance with the terms and conditions of sale of the University's Continuing Education Service, available at or provided upon request. The regulations applicable to participants can be downloaded at the same address.

The University of Strasbourg reserves the right to seize a bailiff in the event of non-payment of amounts due; the costs will be borne by the participant. It will not be possible to re-register with the University for a course which has been organised and attended but not paid for.

Art 4. If the participant is absent or withdraws from the course, resulting in a reduced sum being covered the by the funding agency, the University reserves the right to charge the beneficiary for the amounts due.

Art. 5 In case of difficulties, the trainee may contact the mediator : Failing amicable resolution, any dispute relating to the execution of this contract will be submitted to the competent Court in Strasbourg.

Art. 6 This contract shall take effect fourteen days after the date of signature by the parties, and may be amended by agreement. The participant can retract freely, before the contract takes effect (form available here : If a signed contract is not returned by the participant, the financial obligations to the University are de facto contracted as of the first day of the participant's presence at the course.

Registration for accompanying person is free but mandatory. Accompanying person will have access to the conference center but not to the talks, except for the public lecture.
Are you going to the conference with an accompanying person (non-participant)?*
If yes, just specify their first and last names
If you wish to book and pay for a gala dinner for the person who will accompany you, you'll be able to do it, following the link on the confirmation email. 
This way you will have an invoice for your reservation, separate from your registration invoice.
If you plan to attend the conference during pregnancy or with children, please indicate what would be your needs (e.g. age of children, helpful services).
At the moment we cannot guarantee any service at the conference center but will try to provide something depending on the possible requests of the registered participants.
We will at least add your address on a mailing list with other participants who need childcare related services.
Could this proposal interest you?*
Please explain your needs and expectations.
Vous n'avez aucun frais d'inscription à régler. Cliquez sur le bouton Terminer en bas de la page pour valider votre inscription.
Télécharger votre récapitulatif

Cette étape vous permet de régler vos frais d'inscription. Cliquez sur le lien ci-dessous pour obtenir un détail de vos frais d'inscription puis effectuez votre paiement.

Je confirme mon inscription et je clique sur Terminer. Je règlerai les frais de participation par chèque/virement à faire parvenir à l'organisateur dans les plus brefs délais.