Last name*
First name*
Personnal Data :
As part of the ordering process, the User is required to communicate certain personal data, limited exclusively to the information necessary for the registration or reservation of services, which may be used by the Convention and Visitors Bureau in as part of the management and follow-up of his order. This data will be kept by the Convention and Visitors Bureau for security purposes, and will be used each time the User connects in order to improve the speed of the service.
This information and data is also kept in the personal account of each User by the Tourist and Convention Bureau in order to be able to pass on the information transmitted by the organizers as well as possible, particularly in the event of a postponement or cancellation of a service relating to the User's order.
In addition, this data is also used to enable the Convention and Visitors Bureau to improve and personalize its services, in particular through newsletters (newsletter) which may be sent to the User if the latter so wishes. wishes and authorizes it.

Liste de vos réservations :
Vous n'avez aucune réservation
Sélectionnez la période pour laquelle vous souhaitez réserver des chambres en cliquant sur les icônes de calendrier. La liste des hôtels et des chambres disponibles s'affichera juste en dessous.
Arrivée le
Open the calendar popup.
Départ le
Open the calendar popup.


Nombre de chambres:

Détails de réservation pour les chambres :

Vous n'avez aucun frais d'inscription à régler. Cliquez sur le bouton Terminer en bas de la page pour valider votre inscription.
Download your bill

Select your payment method

Check the box to confirm and click on "Validate"